Drafts and Photos mishap

well guys, this whole needing to change the blog around thing kind of screwed things up :(
you'll notice most of our photos are missing. agh! i'm not sure how many i can fix because i think
i have since deleted the photos of these recipes on my computer, so the only copy was on the blog itself. blast! i will work on getting those big black boxes erased, and eventually replaced with photos again.
also, making the new blog, it posted our 'drafts'. so if you could let me know if you had any drafts, and what they were called, i can revert them back. 
what i did was download our blog, and then upload it to this new one. so i think all those previous posts must only allow the creator (myself) to edit them?.?. but all new posts from here on out the contributors (all of you) can edit as well. does that make sense? 
sorry about all of this mess. i wish i new about the storage limit years ago, so i would have created all these blogs under separate email addresses.


  1. no problem Meagan, not that big of a deal. I've been wanting to go through the recipes again anyhow.


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